The IDEA competition is for you who wants to test if your business idea works and turn it into the next success story! Lensway, Naked Juicebar and Hövding are all alumni competitors of Venture Cup. All ideas are welcome to compete in Venture Cup IDEA as long as you enter the competition with your own idea and the revenue of your business is below 100 000 SEK (external equity capital included).
Through Venture Cup you get access to entrepreneurial success factors such as: feedback, inspiration and our professional network. Everything you need to keep motivated during your process to make your business idea real.
Five winners from each region will be rewarded by a place at Venture Cup's yearly Top20-list, which is celebrated through an event. On top of that every winner will receive a modest cash prize of 5.000 SEK.
Winners in Venture Cup IDEA are selected in accordance with the following award criteria;
credibility, scalability and idea. Therefor, make sure you have submitted all the information before deadline.
När deadline har passerat så kommer de inlämnade idéerna att genomgå två olika juryprocesser. Först sker en screeningprocess där de bästa idéerna väljs ut av en screeningjury. Därefter kommer juryn för respektive region (som företräder Nord, Öst, Väst och Syd) att bestämma vilka av de utvalda idéerna som kommer att platsa på Topp20-listan.
What do you need to compete?
All you need to compete is a business idea. You can present your idea in any of the following ways below.
Although the jury will not judge more than: • Max 1 min video • Max 1500 ord • Maximalt 3 bilder
How to submit your idea?
To be able to submit your idea, you have to register as a user on our competition platform. This is easy and fast done with your email or through your Facebook.
You are able to make changes at the platform and you idea up until deadline, after that you can not do any further changes.
How is confidentiality handled?
We have helped entrepreneurs in over two decades and know that a lot of business ideas have confidential information. You have the option of keeping the information hidden from the public when uploading your idea on the
competition platform. Make sure that what you want to hide is limited to the field ’’hidden information’’.
This information can only be seen by the jury, network and Venture Cup employees, which all have signed a confidentiality agreement.